A gamified story that shows up all over town.

Okanogan Events is a gamified experience
happening all around you.

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Night Shades


A 4DStory about

a group of musicians,

a boy and his dog.

It's out of this world!

A 4DStory is an emerging approach to storytelling that uses Web3 strategies around crypto tokens, NFT's, online and offline games, riddles, prizes, scavenger hunts, and more to engage its fans in a story that not only entertains but also informs.  It lives in the Aether, across the Internet, and around town through digital and physical connections. A 4DStory embraces its fans in a whole new way.

Nightshades is a story, locally set in Okanogan Valley about a boy, his father, and his dog that he communicates with about things only the boy and his dog can see. In order to save the town, and dare I say the the whole world, they must work together to learn and understand why a whole colony of aliens have come to their town, and then share that agenda with the only person they know who can do anything about it...  their Navy SEAL dad! 

Using NFT collections as a cast of characters, called 4D Characters, a 4DStory weaves it's way through the Aether, into the digital blockchain, around human persona, into the physical world and then back again to create a 4 dimensional experience like nothing ever before.


Using Pogs, posters, billboards, hidden treasure maps and more, "Nightshades" emerges into the lives and imaginations of those who engage. Visit the home page to find us on social media, keep a sharp eye on your membership portal, look for clues and insights around Okanogan Valley, and get ready for something that's out of this world!

Registered members have more opportunities to engage  the 4DStory "Night Shades;"
win prizes, find clues, collect
$4DStory crypto tokens, and more!

Discover Nightshades

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